Saturday, 30 April 2011

Saturday Night Market and Foot Massage

Had a really lazy day... was super hot and no one had any energy to do anything after last night.

Around 5pm we headed out to the Saturday Night Market which was brilliant, no tacky touristy things all crafty and authentic stuff. Had papaya pad thai from a street stall which was delicious and then got a tuk tuk back to our area.

Joy (Californian girl also studying here) Karen and I sat in our massage chairs watching a particularly bad thai soap opera whilst having an hour's foot massage each. It was heaven - all that was missing was a large tub of ice cream.

Group of blind musicians at night market

Mechanical wooden toys at the market in aid of the elderly

Its pouring with rain now (10pm) but its still hot. Am having an early night want to do some sight seeing tomorrow and need my sleep....

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