Thursday 14 April 2011

New Year Water Festival

Got an invite to go with some people to the water festival which is all around us! Met Roxanne from Canada here doing a Thai Massage Course and Lesley from New York as well as loads of local Thai's who are so friendly.

Its incredible, I took the trouble to have all the injections I needed and then on my first day here I am sprayed, cannoned and bucketed with water out of the local river that is a very dark brown colour and doesn't seem to flow much! Thank god I had the typhoid jab!

Just back for a quick shower and change before doing something else exciting.


  1. Hi Maria

    Sounds like your having a great time....... All those spare clothes might come in handy at this rate!


  2. Put on one of those disposible plastic mac and headscarfs and frighten the least you'll be protected.

  3. Something to do.

    The link below is for something I did while in Chang Mai, and was one of the highlights for me.
    You can prolly find it locally cheaper.
